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Our team is located in Canada, U.S., Mexico, Ecuador, U.K., France, Serbia, Bulgaria, Germany, Turkey, South Africa, India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Malaysia, Cambodia, Philippines, Taiwan, China, Japan, covering all time zones, providing 24/7/365 support for our worldwide customers.
We are always ready to help our customers improve their business and services.
Head Office
YRP Center 1st Floor 5F, Hikarinooka 3-4,
Yokosuka City, Kanagawa Prefecture,
239-0847, Japan
Tel: +81 46 821 3362
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We’re here to help
Got any questions about our features, pricing, implementation or anything else. We are on stand by ready to help you solve any questions you might have. Check our full FAQ.
What are the minimum requirements?
Windows 10 or later with 2 Cores with 4 GB of RAM.
Is the service available globally?
Yes! Telescope can be used in most countries.
Where are the screen recordings stored?
The recorded data is stored at Rakuten Cloud Object Storage. Rakuten closely adheres to Information Security Management: ISO/IEC 27001 along with the highest security measures to keep your data securely stored in the cloud.